Some FAQs

Featured image: Milwaukee Journal, 1967 (Milwaukee Public Library).
What is a union?
A union is a group of co-workers who organize themselves for better working conditions at their workplace. For example, in a union co-workers have the power to improve their wages and contracts.
What isn't a union?
A union isn't a third party. It's a group of workers at their workplace.
What is a wall-to-wall union?
A wall-to-wall union is a union for all co-workers in a workplace. In a wall-to-wall union, different workers (like students, faculty, and staff) may have different contracts with their employer, but all co-workers are part of the same union. By coming together, taking coordinated action, and standing up for one another, we can win victories for ourselves and all of our co-workers on campus.
What is United Campus Workers?
United Campus Workers (UCW) is a network of a dozen local unions in states across the Southeast, Southwest, and Midwest. Local unions take on issues in the diverse contexts of their different campuses. Local unions are part of the federation of local unions at Communications Workers of America (CWA). CWA is one of America’s largest and most diverse unions. As a federation of local unions, CWA is a democratic union ruled by its members in their local unions.
How do I get involved?
- Join our email list
- Join a public meeting
- Share this statement with your co-workers
- Tell us a little about yourself and we'll be in touch with you
- We announce private meetings over our email list
- We announce public meetings at our homepage
- Consider joining us
Who can join UCW-WI?
All faculty, staff, and student workers at Marquette University who who aren't covered by SEIU Local 1.
Why should I join UCW-WI?
UCW-WI organizes for fair wages and contracts for undergraduate and graduate student workers, adjunct and non-tenure-track faculty, and university staff at Marquette University. When you join us, you are choosing to work together with your co-workers—which is always more powerful than doing so alone—to better our collective working conditions and lives on campus. We want to have a seat at the table and a direct say in the terms of our employment. If we work together, we can create a better, fairer, more just university for ourselves and our co-workers and students alike. We hope you'll consider joining us.
How much are dues in UCW-WI?
Being a wall-to-wall union where members receive different compensation, we ask members to pay dues at different rates depending on their compensation. If you make less than $20K/year, then your dues rate is $7.25/month. If you make $50K-$60K/year, then your dues rate is $26/month.
What do dues support in UCW-WI?
Dues support materials, organizing, technology, and legal services. University leadership has strong financial resources and legal and communication expertise. But we have stronger arguments and evidence to support our arguments. Dues help us communicate our arguments on and off campus.
What if I can't pay dues right now?
We understand being asked to pay dues may affect different members in different ways at different times. If you can't pay dues right now, then we hope you'll email us at [email protected].
Can UCW-WI win recognition and contracts?
In the past you may have heard a union can't win recognition and contracts at a private religious institution like Marquette University. Today the situation is different. UCW-WI can win recognition and collectively bargain for fair wages and contracts on campus, like our co-workers who are covered by SEIU Local 1.
Isn’t Wisconsin a “right to work” state?
Yes, but private-sector unions may win recognition at the NLRB and collectively bargain in the state, like our co-workers who are covered by SEIU Local 1.
Have other questions for us?
We hope you'll emai us at [email protected].